DDHTool - AdminTools


This application is meant to be used by your database administrator. It is the hub application where the data from various sources is assembled, processed and extracted. The image bellow is currently displaying the certificate import tool.

The vertical toolbar on the right is where you invoke each tool. The (top 2) tools presented here, directly affect the data in your master SQL database. The tools bellow only read the database to produce the desired outputs. These can be used safely as no data is affected. Please explore the tools in more details by clicking the descriptions bellow. Each tool could be described this way:

  • --> Certs is used to import assay results from the lab
  • --> EditLog is where your DBA imports the data from the field

  • QAQC --> Is where your DBA produces full QAQC reports
  • Logs --> Can be used to export drillhole logs
  • ACCDB --> Is where the site database is exported from
  • TXT --> Is where files suitable to 3D Mining software packages are exported.
  • Note that more tools can easily be added and custom to each client.

Also showing on the bottom line are a few status hints; the SQL server the connection is currently pointing to and the site currently being targetted. Several SQL databases can be handled. A good typically reason for breaking them up might be different libraries of codes, or a different state or country, or administrative breakdowns. On the other hand, good reasons to consolidate might be to simplify the administration of the libraries of codes.

Most every tool is proficient at remembering the last setting used. Also note that the tools help in file naming as well as filling the outputs to the correct project folder.

Certificate Importer

This tool imports CSV files from the assay labs. Each lab may have it's LabCode. Most of the time, these consist of a few rows of header data, then several rows of assay results in columns. These are generally pretty consistent, which allows for building an import format, which is necessary for this tool. There can be several formats per LabCode. The tool imports the data in its raw form and only works on separate copy, leaving this original raw data intact. Once imported, your DBA will attempt to connect the results to the correct samples. To this effect, on the Connect tab, your DBA is presented with a list of possible connection. Most of the time these are straightforward and correct, but for those times where lab and site don't agree or one has a typo (like an extra 0 or space), it is possible to bulk edit the SampleIDs of that certificate (again, leaving the raw data untouched) using the Review Certs tab. After the results are connected, the results are ranked sample after sample, element after element. Those ranking rules are based of assay method, certificate date and re-run number.

The other tabs may be used to report a short summary of the new data, or re-rank protions of the assay results.

EditLog Importer

The EditLog is that ASCII file produced at site (using SiteTools) with only the additions / corrections to the database. This toll quickly imports this text file and summarizes what imported correctly and what didn't, along with an explanation of the problem(s). These EditLogs are typically catalogued. They offer a great tracking of when and what happened to the data.