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I specialize in database design and administration, also in programming interfaces, for the mineral exploration for the mining industry. I have extensive experience in receiving collected data (in a huge variety of form, quality and format) from the field and organizing it in a meaningful manner. I am also well versed in cataloging source data, supporting the master database. Using the Internet allows me to perform those tasks from anywhere. Under those duties, I have developped a suite of handy tools, which I have named DDHTool.

DDHTool is a suite of software applications, ultimately interfacing to a central enterprise mineral exploration database. One of the main strenght of the suite is in its comfort in flowing updates from the field (where no Internet access is available) to a site office (where Internet access is all but limited) and finally to headquarters. Another apsect lies in to simplicity in the design of the database. Contrary to common practice, the data model is very similar to formats familliar to geologists. This promotes better use of the collected data.

The system is completely administered and coded by myself using industry standard software packages. The main database is under Microsoft SQL server, most tools are coded using Microsoft's Visual Studio suite. The system is flexible in that it may be in use on my systems and administered by myself. It can grow (along with deposit / company) into a fully hosted on the company's system and administered by a company database administrator,... or anything in between. Multiple central repository are possible and easy to manage. The free database package used is SQL Server Express (which can accomodate for a 10 gyigabyte database file. The biggest database file I have encountered so far, is just shy of 6 GB.). This makes this system accessible to companies of all sizes. It also makes for a smooth transition, should the owner decide to use an in-house database administrator,... at any point.


After the normal confidentiallity documents are in place, I request the historical data and place it in the master database. I catalog the supporting documents (assay certificates, core photos, log scans, etc.). All that data can regularly be replicated to the owners' server, which can be a simple Windows desktop PC.

Other pieces of informations recommended for a smooth startup are:

From this point, during a drill campaign, the daily administration of the master data consists of:

These tasks are largely handled automatically by DDH3-AdminTools. Typically a 30 minutes job. On site, the approved geologist(s) receives an updated database file, enters the day's collected data using DDH3-SiteTools, and sends the database administrator a copy of the EditLog at the end of the day,... and the cycle continues.